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The Council

Volunteer Opportunities


The Town Council’s aim is to strengthen and improve its events programme whilst developing partnerships with local schools’ businesses and community organisations.

With a well-attended annual programme of events and festivals as well we are looking for Thatcham Ambassadors to work with our Events team to help us deliver our programme.

We can offer rewarding experience, working alongside a supportive team providing clear work experience, an opportunity of accredited training and a sense of putting something back into the community.

Thatcham Event Ambassadors

We are looking for Event Ambassadors,  aged 16 or over to volunteer their time and who have a broad range of skills to help us in a number of ways:  Promoting our events, assisting with welcoming our artists, suppliers and audiences, helping to set up and take down the event infrastructure, taking photos at events and social media support.

Our main event in 2022 will be our popular Family Fun Day on Sunday June 26th. Last year we had a record attendance of 10,000 which we safely accommodated in Henwick Worthy Playing Fields. With a popular Dog Show, Fun Fair, Classic Cars, Petting Farm, Food Court and with a wonderful variety of local community stalls this event is great fun and we depend on volunteers to help us set up the site, guide stallholders to their pitches and supply key information to our visitors.

Thatcham also presents a packed Arts and Leisure Festival in October with last year just under 40 separate events taking place. Dates in 2022 will be from October 15th -23rd.

Our Christmas lights switch-on grows in attractions and attendance every year and will be held on Friday December 2nd.
Help us welcome our community back to a live events programme. You will meet new and likeminded people, gain event experience and have hopefully a wonderful time supporting our community events!

Our Ambassadors will have an interest in events, arts and sports and people!

If you are interested then please just drop our Events Team a line at: or call us on 01635 863592

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