Remembrance Sunday Thatcham – Sunday 10th November
On Sunday 10th November, Thatcham will once again unite for its annual Remembrance Sunday Parade and Service. With over 700 participants, including contingents from local uniformed groups and military personnel, the event serves as a powerful commemoration of those who gave their lives in service.
Published: 21 October 2024

On Sunday 10th November, Thatcham will once again unite for its annual Remembrance Sunday Parade and Service. With over 700 participants, including contingents from local uniformed groups and military personnel, the event serves as a powerful commemoration of those who gave their lives in service.
The Remembrance Parade will depart from Thatcham Broadway shortly after 10.30am, making its way to the War Memorial near Bath Road and Brownsfield Road. At 11am, a formal service will be held at the War Memorial, followed by a second service at St. Mary’s Church, starting at approximately 11.45am.
All members of the public are warmly invited to attend the services and witness the Parade as it moves through the heart of Thatcham.
The A4 will be closed between Park Lane and the Catholic Hall from 10.30am to midday. Access to the area will be available via Tull Way and Floral Way. The Parade will form up in the Kingsland Shopping Centre car park from 10am, and vehicle access to the car park will be restricted from 10am to 10.30am, with parking limitations until midday. Spectators can view the Parade along The Broadway and High Street as it proceeds to the Parade Ground. A rolling road closure will affect The Broadway and High Street between 10.30am and 10.45am, and again between approximately 11.20am and 11.45am. During these times, alternative routes through town will be available via Lower Way and The Moors.
Thatcham residents have been crafting fabric poppies, which have been affixed to trees and railings around the town, with a large display on the Broadway. These poppies serve as a poignant symbol of remembrance and can be admired by those attending the Parade.
In addition to Remembrance Sunday, a commemorative service will be held for Armistice Day on Monday 11th November at 11am at the War Memorial, with refreshments in the Town Council Chamber following the ceremony. The public is encouraged to attend.
For more information on Remembrance Sunday and related events, please visit: